help harm macro. Trying to macro mousedown to use eruption on an enemy versus help with blistering scales but it doesn’t seem to work like other classes as it has this “smart” targeting or whatever. help harm macro

Trying to macro mousedown to use eruption on an enemy versus help with blistering scales but it doesn’t seem to work like other classes as it has this “smart” targeting or whateverhelp harm macro  So, for your specific macro, you’d want to replace the first [] with [harm]

In case you do not want to use a different raid frame addon, BigDebuffs expands the functionality of Blizzard raid frames. That part of “no target” ignore focus and cast on self is an issue because the target check and “cast self” conflict even if you turn on. The macro you replied to: /cast [@mouseover,harm][@focus,harm][] Wind Shear [] is a special macro shortcut that means "always true". I had, at some point, a "dynamic" help/harm macro for my resto shaman that would change the icon based on. The game will default to checking if Ruin can be cast first. My macro that combined word of glory and shield of the righteous was a game changer. e grip, bop, dispell) and you’re gonna have a much better experience ReplyThe macro icons doesn't work for me either. /cast [@target,harm] Holy Word: Chastise; Holy Word: Serenity; #showtooltip. Torvi-proudmoore. I tried this #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help]Schattenheilung;[@mouseover,harm]Heilige Pein;[harm]Heilige. If you want to use those types of macros, you need to change your Self Cast Key to None. Also added (Shapeshift) to it cuz it can bug out under some conditions. World of Warcraft Classic. Hi All, Trying to prepare for DF - with the addition of the new warrior ability “Shield Charge”. I know I can do this in clique, but I wasn’t sure if there is a way to write this in a macro with the mouse over condition. Try this one below: Mod, Harm + TargetTarget - DPS Spell Nomod, Default (Heal) Mouseover Friend:Target Enemy Targeting Friend: Cast on Enemy’s Target Default casting behavior. The priority list you have doesn’t translate well to a macro. I also turned off action bar paging, so each of my druid abilities has a specific keybind. This type of macro combines the above mouseover macro, with another spell on the same button. If you are targetting an enemy, this macro will cast Crackling Jade Lightning. Reply More posts. Blasphem88 • 3 yr. I’ve been trying and failing to make a macro that does the following things: • Display Wind Shear icon if I have an enemy target OR Cleanse Spirit icon if I have an ally target or no target. In addition to the help/harm macroing, you should consider mouseover casting and setting up party/raidframes to have a better view on the healthpools of your party. So for example this is the macro that I currently use: #showtooltip /use [harm]Starsurge;Nourish This allows me to put both of those abilities. #showtooltip /cast [harm] Starsurge; [@targettarget] Starsurge. Basically, [harm] and [help] are valid conditionals - if you’re targeting an enemy, harm is true, if you’re targeting an ally, help is true. Guides UI and Macro. ;) Your macro should be something like that : /cast. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. ) and @cursor macros. 11 comments. To wrap smite into flash heal as one conditional ability instead of two buttons. 0 some of my macros would always be stuck on showing the icon and tooltip for SpellB, even when I held down a mod key. It basically replicates what would happen if the. World of Warcraft ForumsBasic Help/Harm Macro. I believe this help/harm macro which combines Charge and Intervene is the best: #showtooltip /cast Intervene; Charge. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Lifebloom; [@mouseover, noform, harm, nodead] [@target, noform, harm, nodead] Moonfire; [form:2, harm] Rake; Lifebloom NOT. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. Ex: 1 macro for lava burst if target is enemy, healing surge if friendly, alt modifier to heal self. Obv put purify as the tooltip since that has the cooldown. However, when I have nothing targeted it defaults to try and find a target to Tiger Palm. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [mod. Like the healing macro, you can set this. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL Variant: HARM_SPELL as DefaultThe macro makes it so that you automatically cancel Crackling Jade Lightning if it is channeling, even during the global cooldown. The most useful macros and addons for Discipline Priests in PvP. Help Harm Macros: Good for saving keybind space on abilities you ONLY use while targetting enemy or friendly targets /cast [help]purify spirit; [harm] Purge /cast [help]Chain Heal; [harm] Lava Burst Talent Swap Macro: Allows your talent to be auto replaced on your bars without swapping yourself /cast [talent:4/1] mighty bash;[talent:4/2]. This helps increase overall damage/healing and general awareness in the arena. Hi All, Trying to prepare for DF - with the addition of the new warrior ability “Shield Charge” My current macro: /use [harm,nodead] Charge /use [help,nodead] Intervene This allows me to have one keybind for intervene and charge, very nice. Similar to modifier key macros, conditional modifier macros will let you cast different spells based on different conditions (commonly help vs harm for friendly vs enemy). I do recommend having intervene at party1 and 2, as well as mousover for bgs/pve etc. #showtooltip. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL Variant: HARM_SPELL as DefaultBasic Help/Harm Macro. Default casting behavior. Mouseover Enemy and target Enemy = Cast Spell on Enemy Mouseover and target friend or self = cast on friend or self I want the mouseovers to override both the target enemy and target friend or self. Replace healspell with a healing spell and damagespell with a damage spell. I macro Shred with Regrowth. Utility Macros Dispel Magic #showtooltip /cast Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic Setting up a one-button-does-all macro for your dispel magic is a bit more complicated, but here's how this breaks down. Paulsweg-arthas November 12, 2022, 8:12pm #1. Well… you’re not going to like the actual answer to that question… the healer with the fewest healing buttons is Discipline Priest… after that your looking at a tie between Shaman and Paladin, next up is Monk, followed by Druid, with Holy Priest having the most. That way you don`t need to change your target ( very important vs explosive affix). Macros don't queue very well here, so generally it's better to avoid macroing. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. I would try to cast the harmfull spell first, then default to the healing spell: /use [@mouseover,harm][harm]Chain Lightning;[@mouseover,help][]Chain HealGuides UI and Macro. So far I have this for rejuv and wrath in one macro which I found on Noxxic. Changing the “noharm” to “help” appears to fix the macro. Some of the most important macros in PvP are focus cast macros. Since you will spend the majority of your time looking at these 3 things, it will help you immensely having all of them close to each other. World of Warcraft ForumsThe Help and Harm conditions of macros. So, what you should do is use help/harm macros and bind things like riptide and flame shock to 1 button. /use [@mouseover,nodead,harm]Moonfire;[@mouseover,nodead,help]Rejuvenation;[@target,nodead,harm]Moonfire;[@target,nodead,help][@player] Rejuvenation Repalce Moonfire with DPS spell you want to use and Rejuvenation with heal spell. So I don’t have to. I've done stuff like this: 1 - lifebloom / moonfire 2 - regrowth / wrath 3 - rejuv / sunfire Etc. Only one bar swaps . That conditional has very limited niche uses by itself. Also, if the icon for an ability had changed for 10. You simply replace SPELL with the spell you want that should be cast on a friendly unit including healing spells and dispels. Target Friend: Cast on Target. The above macro will in TBC cast Greater heal if the above options both return true. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Here is an explanation if you’d like: -Each line. g. Shïvana-scarlet-crusade. What this will do is if you mouseover/target a friendly it will cast your healing/help spell. ago. Warrior Charge Macro. Help/harm macros are great for reducing your binds on druid. &. ago. Also if you leave #showtooltip empty it will show the available spell, useful if you macro different spells checking if harm/help or dead/nodead. 3rd: it checks for friendly mouseover to purify. Ex: 1 macro for lava burst if target is enemy, healing surge if friendly, alt modifier to heal self. Of course, “help” is a lot shorter than “noharm,exists”. /use [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help,nodead] [@player] Living Flame. Essentially, they allow you to cast abilities on other units without having to manually change your target. #showtooltip. Thanks, I might end up having to use this but was really hoping to leave the self cast mod as alt. Corsair scimitar pro with the 12 side buttons has been super useful. are all on the non-swapping bar. Uses either Mighty Bash or Mass Entanglement if the target is an enemy (these are on the same. I personally use macros to COMBINE spells based on target because there are simply too many of them. 6th: casts Purify if there is nothing else to do. This helps increase overall damage/healing and general awareness in the arena. Variant: HARM_SPELL as Default. Simply replace Power Word: Shield with the name of the spell you want to use: #showtooltip Power Word: Shield. 2. UI and Macro. The macro stops at the first true condition, in your case that was as soon as you had an enemy targeted. I prefer a more clear cut modifier macro like so: /cast [mod:ctrl,harm,nodead]Dispel Magic; [nomod,@mouseover,help,nodead][] Purify This will also cast purify on yourself if you have no target. Help would be appreciated. Earsofpower. Also cast at cursor macros for spells like blizzard or meteor, flamestrike any spells which require extra click to cast saves you some time if. Assuming you also target the enemy for damage, a help/ harm looks like this: /use [@target,help] healspell; [@target,harm] damagespell. Still, druid requires more keybinds than any other class, so start. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists,help]Healing Surge; Healing Surge Is this not possible because it’s. /cast [@mouseover,harm] [@target] Purge; [@mouseover, help, nodead] [@player] Cleanse Spirit. The condition set needed for one rules out the other unless you’re also adding modifiers into. Here is the generic macro for all your healing spells: /use trinket /cast Nature Switfness (bind this with GHW only) /cast [help][@targettarget,help][@mouseover,help][@player]Replace this with your Healing Spell Name What this does: 1, if your current target is friendly, cast heal 2, if your current target's target is friendly, cast heal (this is useful when your target is the boss for. Are you looking for a help/harm macro for your WoW character? Check out this forum post where a user asks for advice on how to create a macro that can cast different spells depending on the target. This allows me to have one keybind for intervene and charge, very nice. This is the mouseover macro I use for all my healing spells, and it works perfectly for everything except dispel. Sokke-kult-der-verdammten. The macros I’ve found online from forums or class guides etc haven’t seemed to be working, for whatever reason. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL With double mouseover Hi everyone, I'm new to wow and I've been trying to set up some macros for my holy priest. I am pretty sure yes you can double up binds this way with help/harm macros. World of Warcraft Forums Since 10. Sounds strange, people always say: just make a macro. This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. (This macro will help us a lot with putting abilities on focus pets like Sucubus where we need to see the cast for the CC, players in world PvP, etc. . Thanks in advance! New to the server, but not new to the game. ago • Edited 3 yr. S3 Season 3 S3 Cheat Sheet S3 Mythic+ S3 Raid Tips S3 Talent. I want to use the following macro: /cast [@mouseover,exists,harm] Counterspell; [@mouseover,exists,help] Remove Curse; It works perfectly fine if binded on a normal key, but in clique only Remove Curse on. A user asks for help with creating help harm macros for resto druid and priest, and gets a quick 101 guide from another user. I am looking for some lightning bolt / healing wave macros for my shaman depending on if the target is friendly or not so i can free up keybinds. 12. MMORPG. Setting up your UI as a healer is extremely important. ago. /use [@mouseover,nodead,harm]Moonfire;[@mouseover,nodead,help]Rejuvenation;[@target,nodead,harm]Moonfire;[@target,nodead,help][@player] Rejuvenation Repalce Moonfire with DPS spell you want to use and Rejuvenation with. This macro is the basis of all of your healing and buff spell macros. Anyone using some healing/damaging macro that. ) and @cursor macros. I could do help/harm but eh, I’ll keep it simple for now. Now, i want to add Shield Charge. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Rejuvenation; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Sunfire; Rejuvenation I want to add a when pressing alt it will cast bearform&hellip;Hey Guys! Opt here - I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Advanced Mouseover Macro Also called: Help / Harm macros. It will heal you if targeting an enemy. Self (alt) > Mouseover Help (mod) > Mouseover Harm > Target. Would change the icon/ability used from a nuke/offensive ability when targeting or mousing over a hostile target, or a heal spell when mousing over or hard targeting a friendly target. This macro will cast Power Word: Shield on mouseover, provided your target is friendly and alive. So for example this is the macro that I currently use: #showtooltip. 0, the icon was stuck on the pre. The shaman tree alone (not even counting the resto side) adds 10 potential pvp keybinds not present in SL. This is my basic heal harm macro for priest. Healing Macros Base Healing Macro. Can anyone help with this? I suppose I could also try to split this macro into 2, one for cat form and one for no form. Try this one below: #showtooltip /cast [@targettarget,harm,exists] [harm,exists] lavasurge; [help,exists] Heal. If not, it moves on to the next conditional: [@mouseover, help, nodead] >> If your mouse is over a target that is friendly and not dead, it will cast “Helpful Spell”. It will be a damaging ability when targeting an enemy, and it changes to a healing ability when targeting a party member. Basic Help/Harm Macro. I have ~120 binds if including modifiers. idk if anyone even still needs this but this is my AIO Charge Macro: /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead] Intervene /cast [@mouseover, exists, nodead, harm] Charge. This will do the following: It will cast on the unit you are moused over if they are not dead. These macros can be of any length. #2. Stealing the macro that the other guy posted; /ac "Ruin". I just target my party members with scroll up/down and use 1 single cleanse keybind (C) For purge I have purge arena 1, 2, 3 on a row of thumb buttons of my MMO mouse. Mouseover casting used to be via addons like clique, but it's built in by default as well now, just have to go turn it on. Frankly any game UI that requires users to build elaborate macros in order to make it visually readable and functionally usable is just a bad UI. This is not a single target DPS macro, this is a Help / Harm selective macro So i did some digging to find out what was goin on, An example of this would be : /cast [help] Innervate ; [harm] Entangling Roots ; Innervate. Hi, So my problem with the game in this expansion that the special macro buttons of mine that was working as intended in the previous expansions are kind of not working. 2. If you are not moused over a target, it will cast on the unit you target. Shift modifiers for Arena 1-3 on my side buttons. nb : be sure to cast offensive spells. Self (alt) > Mouseover > Target. I personally use macros to COMBINE spells based on target because there are simply too many of them. Example: /cast [harm] Frost Shock; [help] Healing Wave This will cast Frost Shock on hostile targets and Healing Wave on friendly targets. In 9. (Note that "harm" and "nohelp" as well as "help" and "noharm" are not the same thing! There are 'neutral' targets some of which can be harmed and some of which can be helped. To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". Great for dispel/purge healers. My most complicated is probably a new one that has Shadow Word: Pain combined with Power Word: Radiance with tons of switches for mouseover and help vs harm. 4. I’ll type out an example below, of both plain mouseover, and a help/harm. The [help] condition is true when the unit can receive a beneficial effect, e. This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. Mouseover macros are the most efficient way of healing. 2. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Soothing Mist; [@target, harm, nodead] Tiger Palm; []Soothing Mist #showtooldtip Soothing Mist #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Enveloping Mist; [@target, harm, nodead] Rising Sun Kick; []Enveloping Mist #showtooldtip Enveloping Mist #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help,. The way WoW evaluates a line is left to right where the first “true” situation get’s used without looking at the rest of the line. Trying to make a macro that will Purge my current enemy target but act as a mouse over macro Purify Spirit for a friendly target. If it is a helpful ally, it will Purify. One of the problem I can see from your macro is the [@player] condition, this one is always true so you will never cast Chain Lightning. For example, if I have this: #showtooltip /cast [mod]SpellA;SpellB Since 10. /cast [help] Holy Light; Crusader Strike. I don’t understand how that can happen, are your. Allows you to cast heals if targeting party and offensive spells if targeting enemy. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay. A huge help for healers is to use either a Mouseover addon like Clique to help you get double use out of a keybind (or make mouseover macros manually but highly recommend clique). This monk macro combines two of your basic abilities, your Jab and your Expel Harm. Thanks guys! The reason I had it setup the way I did, is because I wanted to prioritise mouseover over target over player. Right now when none is selected it just shows a red “?” icon I know if i use #showtooltip it will ONLY show what I select regardless which is what id like to avoid. a Paladin with Shield of Righteousness. Grymvild. Best I can guess is that “noharm” isn’t implying exists, which is tripping up the macro. If it's a friendly, it will fail and continue to the next line, which is Physick. And I go too to bottom (top left button is wind shear 3). It will heal you if targeting an enemy. Hello everyone! When i downloaded the recent shadowlands expansion, i noticed that my macros no longer worked =0. " Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Here are a few macros that all Discipline Priests can benefit from. If the target can be targeted by harmful spells, use Charge. you can even work with mouseover macro's, so you don't need to retarget after your cleanse/purge. Will give you my macro and then you can send me 100k gold :) (Or maybe not) but I promise you will love it. Twin. Depruinning went to far… holy priests should. Here some some examples of help / harm macros that I use: #showtooltip Dispel Magic /cast [mod:alt, u/focus] dispel magic /cast [harm] dispel magic; [help] purify #showtooltip Shadow Word: Death /cast [mod:alt, u/focus] Shadow Word: Death /cast [harm] Shadow Word: Death; [help] Power Word: Life Change the names of the spells and give that a shot. I really like action targeting but I’ve noticed there is an issue with the spells that can target both enemies and allies such as Holy Shock. Before you tell the macro what spell, add in brackets @mouseover,harm or @mouseover,help. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. For ex, shift + top right side button is wind shear 1. So, a simple mouseover help/harm macro looks like this: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Flame Shock; [mouseover,help, nodead]Healing Wave. Hello, I am trying to PvE more and realized I could really benefit from using mouseover macros instead of targeting each person to put atonement on. For priests you can use smite/flash heal in your help/harm macros and it will adjust the spell to the equivalent for each spec. Some of these macros cast different spells and abilities, depending on what you mouse over. the Purge part works like a charm, but the cleanse. This macro is the same as above but will start a grind sequence to kill the mobs with nice mana efficiency. Basically a combo of these two macros. This can be shorted quite a bit as Shadow Mend and Flash Heal are the “same” spell as far as WoW sees it in that using “flash Heal” in the macro will turn into “Shadow Mend” for Disc and Shadow. Here is an explanation if you’d like: -Each line. Then it. from inside another macro. MMORPG. Basic Help/Harm Macro. Then there are help conditions which means it is only true of the mouseover target is a friendly character, or harm condition which means only characters that can be. /cast [nomod,harm] Smite; [nomod,help, @/target] Flash Heal; [mod:shift, @/player] Flash Heal; This macro works if I have a friendly target or enemy target. This. I prefer a more clear cut modifier macro like so: /cast [mod:ctrl,harm,nodead]Dispel Magic; [nomod,@mouseover,help,nodead][] Purify This will also cast purify on yourself if you have no target. g. 2 responses to “Dispel or Purify in one button. If the target can be targeted by helpful spells, use Intervene. 11 11 comments Blasphem88 • 3 yr. I am trying to create a macro to cast Lifebloom when in targeting a friendly, cast Moonfire when targeting enemy, and when in cat form cast Rake. Code: #showtooltip /cast [mod] Expel Harm; [btn:2] Expel Harm; Jab. If it was me I’d code it this way SHIFT cast @arena1 ALT set focus (if doesn’t exist OR dead) & cast @ focus if enemy NOMOD mouseover > target. 0 some of my macros would always be stuck on showing the icon and tooltip for SpellB, even when I held down a mod key. I found online a damage macro that casts my dot, holy fire then spams smite till my dot and holy fire run out. ago. Hi, So my problem with the game in this expansion that the special macro buttons of mine that was working as intended in the previous expansions are kind of not working. , best viewed with JavaScript enabled. #showtooltip. Naga mouse with 6-12 buttons helps, but even just utilizing the 2 side mouse buttons helps. Great for dispel/purge healers. Basic Help/Harm Macro. And as Promestein said, macros can be very iffy on activating in FF14, so generally it's not the best idea to rely on them. Radiance/Mind Sear might be a weird one. /focus [@mouseover,exists]mouseover;targe. Obv put purify as the tooltip since that has the cooldown. My most complicated is probably a new one that has Shadow Word: Pain combined with Power Word: Radiance with tons of switches for mouseover and help vs harm. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. Then comes the mouseover tests so that mouseover is always priority. To dive right into an example, the following macro will cast Renew on a friendly target and Shadow Word: Pain on a hostile one. Penance Macros. To open up the Macro menu, type "/macro" or "/m". Help/harm macros also rule. Shamans have a lot of button bloat due to totems. Very specific type of macro. I use this. I will try this when I can get back on the game and update the thread in case someone else. Nhue'ra Amariyo - Moogle. I don’t do mouseover, I click on the raidframes. #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift, @player, Power Word: Shield] [@mouseover, help, nodead] Power Word: Shield; [@mouseover, harm, nodead] [@target, harm, nodead]Purge the Wicked; Power Word: Shield. Since all of my action buttons are already help/harm macros, it was trivial to add /click autotarget to the beginning of each one, so that this macro is run in before any spell that I cast. You can macro stuff like renew and shadow word pain to the same button and it changes depending on who you mouseover. Enjoy!Basic Help/Harm Macro This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. Finally of you have no target it will cast on. Nope, I just created a simple macro with [@target], if I have no target, it says "You have no target. The [harm] condition is true when the unit would get an adverse effect, e. When I heal with vuhdo I am constantly spammed by my character saying I can’t cast or similar voice lines. As far as I know, there isn't. Hey Guys! Opt here - I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Thanks for the reply. 1 I wrote these macros to consolidate some of the paladin spells, so that they take up less room on the action bars. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. They allow players to use abilities on enemies without having to target them. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL. Something like: /cast [harm] Moonfire; [help] Lifebloom. , a damaging spell. [deleted] • 1 yr. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL. Either purify frienld arena player 1 or purge enemy player 1. Also in the settings, I like to turn on Raid style party. World of Warcraft Forums. help / harm. having only gotten into making macros for myself after heavily playing other healers and then working backwards to apply to my priest, I wish I never got used to help/harm macros that change the ability but rather just wish I got used to help/harm assist macros instead and just have only one ability per button that changes target depending on my target/cast [harm]Smite;Flash Heal</code> This macro uses Smite if you’re targeting an enemy, but uses Flash Heal otherwise. A big help to alleviate binds from rdruid to would be to use [help] [harm] modifiers. ) This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. Multiple addons will change your raid frames that you could use, pick any one of them: Grid 2. Advanced Mouseover Macro Also called: Help / Harm macros. /cast [help,nodead][@target,help,nodead]Rejuvenation #showtooltip /cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]Wild Growth /cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Entangling Roots This is what they call a fall through macro, If the first line of code is not available because of a cooldown or if the Help or Harm selection, it will fall through to the next line. Generic mouseover macros for enemies (harm) and allies (help) you can use for your spells. What I. Binds Intervene and Charge and Hamstring and if needed cancel bladestorm to all 1 Press. A kind soul from the priest discord suggested this as the solution: "#showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [@player] Power Word: Shield; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Shadow Word: Pain; Power Word: Shield". Heal my mouseover, damage my target. I’ve done some reading and have this macro set up for my druid to save some space depending if i’m targeting a friendly or enemy: #showtooltip /cast [harm]Moonfire; Rejuvenation This is great, but I have “control” set up as a “self cast” button and “alt” set up as my “focus target” button. 2nd: it tries to purge your target if it is an enemy. having only gotten into making macros for myself after heavily playing other healers and then working backwards to apply to my priest, I wish I never got used to help/harm macros that change the ability but rather just wish I got used to help/harm assist macros instead and just have only one ability per button that changes target depending on my target Basically, [harm] and [help] are valid conditionals - if you’re targeting an enemy, harm is true, if you’re targeting an ally, help is true. The mouseover component will NOT work, but it works when I click the player and then use it. If you have specific questions toss them in the thread. Here is an example with Holy Word: Sanctify: #showtooltip Holy Word: Sanctify /cast [@cursor] Holy Word: SanctifyIt is the base version of the other unit conditionals, such as help or harm. Starting to learn macros and I am finding them super helpful. Building your dream UI (User Interface) is a puzzle consisting of multiple parts. Use a shift or cntrl modifier for all your key binds. The [harm] condition is true when the unit would get an adverse effect, e. ) and @cursor macros. So far I have this for rejuv and wrath in one macro which I found on Noxxic. Monk: /cast Detox; Expel Harm; Evoker: /cast Naturalize; Cauterizing Flame; Mage: /cast Remove Curse; Arcane Explosion; If your cursor is on some friendly target then you cast the 1st spell else you cast the 2nd spell. This macro allows for 1 button shifting between travel and combat for feral druids. @mouseover is used when healing bgs or 5man content . If hitting modifiers is hard for you, rebinding one of the mouse buttons to Ctrl or alt can make a difference. Heal my mouseover, damage my target. All my heals have a mouseover and then just target condition, and if I have a friendly mouseover it’ll heal. Mouseover casting used to be via addons like clique, but it's built in by default as well now, just have to go turn it on. /targetenemyplayer – targets the nearest enemy player (only useful for PvP) /focus – focus an enemy, friendly player or npc. In 9. This is a collection of Penance macros that give you more control of whether or not you're casting on a helpful or harmful target. I checked some existing macros but none seem to work. This Wow macro will switch itself based on the type of target you have and will cast the appropriate spell on that target. 2. These macros are great if you’re running out of room for key bindings. Help/Harm macros with alt modifier to target self. A theoretical heal/harm hotbar switch macro would make no negstive impact whatsoever beyond needing to hit an extra button. Delete thread resolved tyvm. An example for one of my holy macros is. /use [@mouseover, harm] [@target, harm] Frost Shock. if you're mouse is over a friend or your target is a friend, purify. e. showtooltip. Summarizing: Using key 1 on keyboard I wan’t to heal and deal damage. Choose between the "General" and Character-specific macro tabs. Cyncronize-doomhammer February 25, 2021, 11:55pm #1. Celdorlock-twisting-nether. /cast [help] Soothing Mist; [harm] crackling jade lightning; If you find yourself running out of keybind space, this macro will help free up a slot. 1st: tries to purge your focus if it is an enemy and you are holding a mod. • 1 yr. The macro stops at the first true condition, in your case that was as soon as you had an enemy targeted. #showtooltip /cast [harm] Smite; [help][@target] Power Word: Shield So you put that macro on your action bar and if your target is friendly it will shield, if enemy it will smite See here:Exactly. : /castsequence reset=45 Mindgames, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite. It will heal an ally if you are hovering over their raid frame/character with your mouse (regardless of who you are targeting). I named this macro "autotarget". #showtooltip Purify /cast [@mouseover, help] Purify /cast [@mouseover, harm] [ ] Dispel Magic Shows the (soon to come) cooldown for Purify, casts Purify on a friendly mouseover, casts Dispel Magic on an enemy mouseover, and casts Dispel Magic on an enemy target if you have no mouseover. I’m trying to create a macro for Penance so that I can free up a keybind slot… Basically, what I’d like is an option to use it in a healing rotation without needing to deselect my current hostile target. I do not recommend this. Also, help and harm imply exists, so you don’t need exists when you use them. /cast [mod:alt, @player] Healing Wave; [harm] Lightning Bolt; [help] Healing Wave. Shamanism without losing target - UI and Macro - World of Warcraft Forums. To complement Grid2, ElvUI, and BigDebuffs, you should either make a mouseover macros as shown above. Gabby Jun 20, 2016 @ 12:53am. That macro will only dispel party if you're not in an arena. *most* skills on my swap bar are help/harm macro'd. - It will not do damage to an enemy. /cast [nomod,harm] Smite; [nomod,help, @/target] Flash Heal; [mod:shift, @/player] Flash Heal; This macro works if I have a friendly target or enemy target. Right. Meaning that you can use 1 macro for two functions on your cat bar for instance. Sort by: Open comment sort options. Kitsune Jun 19, 2016 @ 11:51pm. I’m not seeing any technical issues with your macros, so you may want to check for keybinding conflicts. I'd also like for it to show tooltip, which I can't get it to do with #. To use the other spell, your cursor must be away from any friendly player, and it will cast the 2nd spell on your target instead. 4. It would be nice if they took a deeper look into their systems and ability design instead of just pruning/unpruning constantly. A lot of potential here!Do. Also Smite = Mind Flay as well. com: #showtooltip. Help/harm macro issues . They allow players to use abilities on enemies without having to target them. Posted on: 12-01-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 22779 timesTo open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". /ac "Physick". hey fellas, I’m looking for a macro that pretty specific when it comes to targeting and modifiers, could only find part of it and having trouble finishing it up. Mistweaver Fistweaving all-in-one Macro? I'm looking to put [Rising Sun Kick]^1, [Blackout Kick]^2 and [Tiger Palm]^3 into one button, being cast in that sequence. Add a Comment. Then there are help conditions which means it is only true of the mouseover target is a friendly character, or harm condition which means only characters that can be. There's a bunch of sites out there with macro syntax guidance. It basically replicates what would happen if the. But then when I swap to an enemy it’ll show flameshock. Both your macro and the one you replied to are redundant. You cannot combine help/harm macros and targettarget help or harm macros. You should probably use help harm macros if you don't wanna go into some crazy binds. This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. Super cool macro to incorporate into your everyday game play. Won't actually Purify your target though,. Celdorlock-twisting-nether. E. Harm/ help macros. Depending on which target you are currently selected, the function of.